Home Of The Indians
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
~Helen Keller
Learn at Home
Ideas, projects, & resources to help keep kids reading, thinking, and learning.
Keep Them Reading - Here are some of my book picks, along with some suggested activities and interesting links.
Scholastic Resources - Day-by-day projects for grades PreK-9
TumbleBooks - Grades K-12
TEL (TN Electronic Library) - Any Tennessee resident can freely use databases found here.
Tennessee R.E.A.D.S. - Electronic library (includes audio book selection)
TEL4U - For grades Pre-K-5; provides a safe place for kids to go online for educational and fun websites
National Geographic Kids - A children's magazine published by the National Geographic Society
PBS Kids - Educational games & videos from PBS KIDS shows!
NASA - Homework help, games, STEM activities, eBooks, podcasts, lots more. Grades 6-12
FUNBRAIN - Educational games for kids of all ages. (math, grammar, science, spelling, history)
HowStuffWorks - Explains thousands of topics, with videos and illustrations. Grades 6-12
Bartleby - Need help with your homework? Get 10 free homework help questions per month.
Oneida High School ~ Middle School Library
Library Staff
Debbie Phillips
Library Media Specialist/Teacher