Lambert, Erin

Erin Lambert photo

About Me

My name is Erin Lambert and I'm excited for a new school year! I have a Masters Degree in Agricultural Education, Communication, Leadership and Extension from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. While at UTK, I had the opportunity to compete on the Track and Field Team as a Pole Vaulter. While competing, I was honored as a three time Academic All-American and typically ranked 6th in the SEC. While that was a wonderful experience, it can't compare to my life now. I now have a wonderful husband, Zach Lambert, the sweetest son, Champ Lambert, and a beautiful daughter, Chandler Lambert. Together, we raise cows, horses, chickens and and grow hay. I've been very blessed  in this life and I'm not only thankful for my family but I'm also thankful for the opportunity to work in the classroom with each and every student.

Oneida FFA

What is FFA?

The Future Farmers of America is an organization that focuses on skills and leadership development while learning about the Agricultural Industry. FFA is THE premier youth leadership organization with over 700,000 members today. This is a program that has been absent from OHS for several years but has now made it's return. I am thrilled to be able to help our members navigate high school by learning leadership and job skills so that they will be better prepared for life after high school.


Events and contests that FFA has to offer includes the following:

  • Agricultural Communications

  • Agricultural Issues Forum

  • Agricultural Sales

  • Agricultural Technology & Mechanical Systems

  • Agronomy

  • Conduct of Chapter Meetings

  • Creed Speaking

  • Dairy Cattle Evaluation & Management

  • Dairy Cattle Handlers Activity

  • Employment Skills

  • Environmental & Natural Resources

  • Extemporaneous Public Speaking

  • Farm & Agribusiness Management

  • Floriculture

  • Food Science & Technology

  • Forestry

  • Horse Evaluation

  • Livestock Evaluation

  • Marketing Plan

  • Meats Evaluation & Technology

  • Milk Quality & Products

  • Nursery/Landscaping

  • Parliamentary Procedure

  • Poultry Evaluation

  • Prepared Public Speaking

  • Veterinary Science

Courses Offered:

  • AgriScience

  • Applied Environmental Science

  • Plant and Soil Science

  • Roane State Dual Enrollment: Intro to Plant Science

FFA Greenhouse

We are very fortunate to have a greenhouse that acts as not only a fundraiser for our program but as an outdoor classroom as well. If you are interested in purchasing from the greenhouse, please contact me via email or stop by the greenhouse during school hours during our growing seasons.

Poinsettias will be available in early December!

Ferns, vegetables, and flowers will be available in the spring!

There are new and exciting things in the works for our agricultural program. Please check back for facility updates.


Email Erin Lambert

Facebook: Oneida FFA

Instagram: @OneidaFFA

TikTok: OneidaFFA