Jones, Miranda

Miranda Jones photo

About Me

Welcome to my class and my website! I look forward to having you in my class this semester. Please know you can contact me any time via email.

About Me:

My name is Miranda Jones.  I was born and raised in Scott County, Tennessee.  I graduated from Scott High School in 2000 and obtained my Bachelors Degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in Social Studies from Tennessee Technological University in 2004.  I later obtained my Masters Degree from the University of the Cumberlands in 2010 and my Education Specialist Degree from Lincoln Memorial University in 2013.  I have been a teacher at Oneida High School since September 2005.  Though I have taught World History, U.S. History, and Personal Finance in the past, I currently teach Government (my favorite!), Economics, Contemporary Issues, and Keyboarding. 

I met, fell in love, and married my husband, Tony Jones, in 2013. We have three sweet dogs. I also have the best parents, sister, niece, and nephew.  I am extremely grateful for my family, friends, and for Oneida High School. 

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